Employee Surveys

Get feedback directly from your employees to drive company decisions.

In addition to residents, you have another group of customers who are critical to your success: your employees. In conjunction with Ellis Partners survey platform, you can assess your property management team’s level of engagement and loyalty to working with your organization through our employee surveys and better understand your employees’ personal goals for career growth. Creating an environment of highly engaged employees begins with understanding, focus, and communication.

Employee feedback and ideas are an invaluable resource to help you understand the Multifamily workplace’s current dynamics and identify training requirements or learning activities. Measuring employee engagement helps you spot potential issues early and take action.  Employee engagement transcends satisfaction and happiness, moving into a level of intense emotional commitment to the organization. Engaged employees do not merely work for a paycheck; they work on behalf of the organization. Engaged employees demonstrate discretionary effort, meaning they willingly take on responsibilities above and beyond their job description. Culture assesses employee perceptions of the working environment and the extent to which employees believe the organization is a good place to work. Factors driving Culture include perceptions about Teamwork, Climate, Quality, Customer Service, Safety, and more.

Improvements can’t be made with no measurements process in place.  Conducting employee surveys regularly – and acting on the results – is the easiest way to improve engagement.


  • Employee perceptions about your company
  • Strengths of your organization
  • Opportunities for growth and improvement


  • Identify opportunities for improvement
  • Set expectations for what’s possible
  • Provide direction for actionable next steps


  • Create internal advocates
  • Improve employee retention
  • Add value to employee experience by asking for feedback

Additional Employee Survey Benefits

  • Identifies loyal employees, not simply satisfied employees.
  • Provides opportunities to understand your employees’ needs and their level of engagement
  • Provides a basis for taking action to enhance the employee experience and hence, increase employee retention.

Need Resident Surveys? Click HERE!