Human Resources

Courses to compose a compelling offer and reel in your new team member!

Employees are the foundation of any business, and Human Resources Training links building outstanding Multifamily companies. Without a team of high-quality, effective employees, it is impossible for any community to stand apart or deliver an exceptional customer experience.

Poor HR knowledge can negatively impact a community through ill-fitting hires, discriminatory mishaps, and ineffective onboarding. This can also lead to overall disruption and potential damage to team and resident relationships. On the other hand, great hiring decisions can result in loyal employees who stay longer, speak highly of their work experience, and strongly advocate for your community.

In a high-turnover industry like ours, efficient and deliberate Human Resource strategies and current knowledge are must-haves. Our Edge2Learn Human Resources Training includes four structured courses to educate your property management associates.

In Multifamily, we know no matter what type of interview you conduct, there’s one thing you can depend on. While you’re inspecting candidates, they’re inspecting you, too! 

Your executive team is not impressed if a candidate comes to an interview ill-prepared. If your hiring team is poorly prepared, what will your candidates think of your leadership and the workplace?

Our Human Resources Training explains the importance of strong HR skills and demonstrates how you can excel at recruiting, interviewing, selecting a candidate, and onboarding. Our HR series also provides scenarios that allow you to watch this knowledge in action and practice putting it to use.

Interviewing Sneak Peek Video


Your first chance to get to know a person who might become your next top contributor.



A well-planned, structured onboarding process can yield enormous benefits.



The first step in building a winning team.

Select a Candidate, Make an Offer

Select a Candidate, Make an Offer

Why personality/attitude can be more important to candidate selection than skills.

Team Retention

Team Retention Strategies

Find out how to take action today and make your community an amazing place to work.

Need Leadership Training for your company? Just click our link to view!

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